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Easy to Read Breakdowns
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Adulting is hard. A budget doesn’t have to be.

Finally get on top of your money situation and figure out where your money has been going. ExpensesSite helps you figure out where you’re spending so you can start saving the way you should be.

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Change Your Spending Habits, Change Your Life

Savings don’t just happen. It takes a budget and understanding how you spend, so you can identify where changes can be made and more money can be saved. After that, the rest falls into place.

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Features That Make Budgeting Easy

The hardest part of budgeting is getting started, that’s why we built features to make it easy

You want to save. We want to help you.

Get on top of your finances and watch your savings grow.

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Goal Tracking Set goals and meet them using our goal tracking feature

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Ad-Free and Uncluttered It’s just budgeting and nothing else

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Multiple Budgets Never overspend again with budgets for everything in life

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Easy Setup Mode Our easy set up walk through helps you hit the ground saving

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You have the money to do everything, you just have to figure out where it is

Wondering where you spend your money? End the mystery and see how you really spend so you can start saving for the things you really want to do.

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